May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.

May songbirds serenade you every step along the way.

May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue.

And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.

~Irish Blessing

Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The start to a fit Lindsay!

I know I've heard somewhere that keeping a journal along your path to fitness and/or diet helps so here goes...

Day One: *well it was actually yesterday /blush*
I started on a couch to 5k guide that I stumbled upon on Pinterest. I chose this as my starting point for several reasons. 1) Well, I'm overweight. Plain and simple. and 2) I have the ever so slightest presence of an annoying thing called asthma. Not enough to affect my day to day life or use an inhaler, but enough to disrupt any rhythm of breathing I attempt any time I run. First day was great. Simply walk for 5 minutes. It doesn't specify fast or slow but I opted for a brisk walk. Jog for 2 minutes. I pushed myself to the point of almost hyperventilating so I'm proud to have lasted 2.5 minutes. It's the little things I tell ya! And finish with a 5 minute walk. Again, I chose a brisk walk. I also opted to take along my four legged companion Pepper Ann who was pleased as punch to go for this outing!

Day Two: *that's today /hmm*
Ok, so today I did the same walk/run/walk routine with the same time intervals. On the guide it called for a relax day but as this is for my overall fitness and not just to prepare me for a 3.1 mile run I have decided that I will only take 1, maybe 2, days off. Today I mixed in a small inner thigh workout (man was it intense!). I followed this up with simple yoga stretching.

So far everything is going very smoothly. Normally I "need" a buddy to keep me motivated to stay with any form of exercise but I feel this routine, guide, outline, whatever you'd like to call it, is a gentle start, building up in intensity, and helping in the long run with the whole lifestyle change that I'm looking for. Yay me! /bye

Friday, January 13, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

It had been my goal to write something everyday but, alas, this last week was full of preparations for a super busy week.

Friday was spent typing a response to allegations that I had 2 children and the speculation that I was a horrible mother who possibly beat my children and/or had them taken away, and thus, I did not have custody of said children. I have no idea how this person derived this information as my fiance and I have never even mentioned the one child I did give birth to and placed for adoption. This person clearly pumped a young adolescent for information that they, the adolescent, didn't even know. Had this person simply asked for information or clarification it would have been freely given. I don't understand why this person needed to resort to wild accusations on information that wasn't even correct to begin with...oh well...

Saturday was spent packing and preparing all information needed for Monday's evaluation. While Sunday was spent driving into L.A.

Monday was the big day. That city makes me really appreciate how clean Phoenix really is in comparison!

With Monday behind us, there is a huge weight that's been lifted and definitely less worry over the outcome. I feel my honey handled the whole thing superbly and the evaluator will see the truth. My hat's off to you sir for keeping a level head in a very emotional situation!

Thursday brought about some more stress relief. The management company deemed the house did, in fact, have a few problems as we had communicated to them and has relayed that to the homeowner who in turn has given the ok to fix them. WooHoo! Also, bought a much needed new bed...heaven is all I can say!

Today, even though Friday the 13th, is the honey and I's anniversary, and the boy is traveling to California to spend with his mother. Perfect timing on her part I must say and I am very grateful. Now we can have a wonderful date night and alone time!

My how life flies by.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


A lot on the mind today.

I've been thinking of February 8th 1997 and being wheeled in a chair beside 2 very eager parent with their hope all bundled in a 5lb 8oz little boy. I can only imagine what they were thinking/feeling that day. Is she going to back out, will we have a little family or will she change her mind and decide she wants to keep her parental rights?!?! I can remember sitting in the passenger seat as my mother walked around to the drivers side and just staring with a fake smile on my face. "It's what is best for him." "He deserves so much more than I can give him." were just a couple of thoughts racing through my mind trying to fill the void.

It's funny how the hospital staff was informed that this particular little bundle was being adopted and yet they all tried to press the small little baby into my arms every chance they got. I was in labor for 15 hours when he was finally brought into the world. He was 4 weeks premature and they whisked him away so they could determine just where I was hemorrhaging from but just as soon as he was deemed healthy and well the nurse brought him straight to me. A lot was hazy at that point but I'm told in recent conversations with my mother that the words that came out of my mouth were "his mother is over there" while I pointed towards her.

People often exclaim you are so strong for making that decision. I often remark how it was nothing and I didn't think twice about what was best for him...but the truth is, that day, February 8th, as we were leaving (4 days after his birth), I thought a million times about changing my mind. I can't remember what exactly my mother was saying as we pulled away from the hospital but I remember making a joke that I've never lived down and now think may actually be proving to come true.

"Watch, I just gave up the one and only child I will be able to have. I will have to be the one adopting when I'm ready".

I just turned 34 a little over ten days ago and there doesn't seem to be any childbearing in my upcoming future. A self fulfilling prophecy that has left me more than a little melancholy as of late.

February 4th 1997 Tyler John Lovely (baby boy Lovely as the staff called him) was born 5lbs 8oz 19.5 inches long at 11:55am.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Feeling accomplished!

The morning dawned as many others before it. Way too cold, too early, and with much trepidation. With morning ablutions not yet begun, I discovered I had maimed myself while sleeping. Oh the curse of melanocytes. I knew it would be inevitable one day that this particular mole would be scratched, torn, or ripped off and it looks like last night was the night!

Wounds patched, showered and feeling fresh, I began my day. Bring it on world! Started out researching different career path opportunities. Still leaning more towards childcare however my menial research into credentials, and academic road lead to learning nothing. Only one thing is certain. A teaching certificate in early education is the MINIMUM needed to even be a preschool or daycare worker. I did stumble across a site that promotes becoming a licensed & certified instructor in baby sign language. Hmmmm most definitely of interest. Continued on with some other career research but after a couple hours at the computer it was time to step away.

Tried my hand at making homemade marmalade and jalapeno jelly. Successful with former not so much the latter. The key is in the pectin. Apparently orange peels and pith are chock full of pectin. I tried extracting apple pectin for the jalapeno concoction. My major fail lends to the description "concoction" as opposed to "jelly". It still was extremely useful in the implementation of tonight's dinner. Marmalade chicken with a hint of jalapeno in the glaze. It was a success with the boys! Stashed that one in the recipe box for a later date.

While simmering the sugared fruits, I successfully completed some much needed housework paperwork. All in all, things are looking very promising. Now I just need to figure out how our incomes can be supported with me only working part time. Wouldn't that be wonderful?!

The night is coming to a close and time to tidy up. Dishes piled in the sink with my name on them.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Here we are three days into the new year. Normal life's stress not withstanding, 2011 was fairly uneventful.

Still, a change is in the air. It's time I find a career that I don't just tolerate. One that I enjoy immensely. The news I was given December 15th has given me that "push" I needed to get on that track. In the oh so wise words of my baby sister "follow your dreams; get into childcare" has gotten me to thinking...all teasing aside, not a half bad idea. There are a couple of other options worth looking into. Massage therapy, Photography, Graphics perhaps....

I look forward to what 2012 has to offer! So many options and for once in my life I have a partner by my side and not just some guy riding on my charity and using me. January 13th marks one year...YAY!!!